Custom DJ Drops | Female DJ Drops

Custom DJ Drops | Female DJ Drops

Female DJ Drops | Custom DJ Drops
Get your Custom DJ Drops at

’Dry’, ‘Voice Effects Only’ or ’Full Effects’ just choose what level of effects you want.
From ‘Dry’ to fully mastered, delivered in 320 mp3 format and includes royalty free commercial license.

Female DJ Drops
Tomorrowland Style Intro
DJ Voice Samples
Custom DJ Drops
Custom DJ Intros
Custom DJ Name Drops

Quick turnaround with studio quality!
Order the DRY drops and produce them yourself.

Other ways to get in touch with me (but the website is best):
Facebook Page:
Instagram: @femaledjdrops 
Twitter: @femaledjdrops1

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About the Author: Sexy DJ Drops